RRC Hygiene guidance related to COVID-19

The NOVEL CORONAVIRUS 2019 (COVID-19) is causing worldwide concern with cases now occurring in many countries. Richmond Rowing Club takes health and safety seriously and wish to provide up to date information for members with regard to activities at the club.
The situation is changing on a daily basis, and it is important that the community follows current Australian Government advice. Click here for further details. The website also contains general advice regarding COVID-19.
The AIS website is regularly updated with advice on the impact of coronavirus and sporting activity. This important page can be viewed by clicking here.
If you are feeling unwell or are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19, we ask that you do not attend the club or club events and follow Australian Government guidelines. For the latest information go to health.gov.au
Below we have listed important advice for all members to remain healthy when participating in rowing at visiting the club. This list is a guide and is by no means exhaustive of all preventative measures.
Hand Hygiene

  • Everyone must practice good hygiene, this is critical to help protect against infections. Good hygiene includes:
  • washing your hands often with soap and water, for 20 seconds, or using an alcohol-based hand rub
  • using a tissue and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze
  • avoiding close contact with others including personal greetings, such as touching, handshakes, kisses, and hugs. Fist pumps are appropriate.

The bathrooms at RRC are regularly cleaned to ensure good hygiene standards are maintained. It is important to remember you must wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly after going to the bathroom and maintain good hygiene practices when using both toilets and showers at club.
Cleaning of Ergos
Anti-bacterial wipes must be used every time an individual concludes their session on an ergo.
Cleaning of Gym Equipment
Anti-bacterial wipes should also be used following use of other gym equipment including bikes and weights etc.
Cleaning of Oars and Boats
We know that oars and boats are shared by members. It is important that all oars and boats are thoroughly washed with appropriate soap and water (not just water) to ensure hygiene standards are maintained.